An index of P&S modcasts and their contents
This episode is posted at Special thanks to James Kachman for indexing it.
Chuck goes on a Rant, When and Why for 5.56 vs 7.62, misses and combat load, X-SAPI
ROE, Armor Penetration, Markmanship, SALVO & H Y P E R B U R S T
“You can’t get kills without putting bullets on the guy”, Software vs Hardware solutions, Training
Why .308 for the RFI, Cartridge Selection (Gun Jesus Preaches to His Disciples on Mount Picatinny)
Specifics of Killing People, Shot Placement, Esoteric Evolutions to sub-5.56
“How Serious is the Army on 7.62?” cue Chuck bitter laughter 6.8 SPC, Cartridge Adoption
280 Brit v .308, New Bullets during War, 6x35, AR-15 Magwell
(inexact time) LSAT and Polymer Case, Replace the Case, Weight considerations
MOCK THE M-14, MG RoF, bullshit memoirs, .308 logistics in the squads
Warfighting Problems and Soldier Load, Lack of Mobility and Uniform stuff
More Uniform Stuff, Gortex, LBE, Gear Customization and Placement, Critical Thinking
Accepting the Battle Raifu, Suppressors, Manufacturer, New Zealand